BUDARIN PETR NIKOLAEVICH (1870 - it is not known)
Generation 1
BUDARIN Petr Nikolaevich (1870 - it is not known) Residence: village Alekseyevka, district Balashov, the Saratov province.
The basic employment: the peasant
near 1870: Was born
it is not known: Denis (2-1) Was born
it is not known: Alexander (3-1) Was born
it is not known: Trofim (4-1) Was born
1901: Vasily (5-1) Was born
it is not known: Has died.
Generation 2
BUDARIN Denis Petrovich it (is not known) The birthplace: village Alekseyevka, district Balashov, the Saratov province.
Residence: village Coleno, area Ekaterinovka, the Saratov area.
The basic employment: the peasant
it is not known: Was born.
it is not known: Has died. A place: village Coleno,
area Ekaterinovka, the Saratov area.
BUDARIN Alexander Petrovich it (is not known) The birthplace: village Alekseyevka, district Balashov, the Saratov province.
it is not known: Was born.
it is not known: Has died
BUDARIN Trofim Petrovich it (is not known)The birthplace: village Alekseyevka, district Balashov, the Saratov province.
it is not known: Was born.
it is not known: Has died
BUDARIN Vasily Petrovich (1901 - 12.1941) Life expectancy: 40.
Residence: village Alekseyevka, district Balashov, the Saratov province.
The participant of Great Domestic war.
1901: Was born.
1923: Married. The wife: Isaeva Marina Isaevna (08.03.1904 - 07.09.1977).
Life expectancy: 73. A place: village Alekseyevka, area Arkadak, the Saratov area.
08.11.1924: Andrey (6-5) Was born
1923: Nikolay (6-5) Was born
1931: Was born (8-5) Anna
17.05.1933: Was born (9-5) Maria
17.11.1935: Was born (10-5) Serafima
12.1941: Has died. A place: it is not known. Was missing
Generation 3
BUDARIN Andrey Vasilyevich (08.11.1924 - 30.06.1993) Life expectancy: 68.
Residence: village Alekseyevka, area Arkadak, the Saratov area.
The participant of Great Domestic war.
The gentleman of the Award of the Labour Red banner.
The basic employment: the peasant.
08.11.1924: Was born.
1950: Married. The wife:
Zub Vera Markovna (27.11.1927 - 30.08.1996).
Father: the Zub Mark Klimentyevich, mother: Manko Maria Korneevna.
Life expectancy: 68. A place: village Alekseyevka, area Arkadak, the Saratov area.
08.09.1950: Alexander (12-9) Was born
14.02.1954: Was born (13-9) Tatyana
01.01.1961: Sergey (14-9) Was born
01.07.1964: Was born (15-9) Nina
03.04.1968: Was born (16-9) Elena
30.06.1993: Has died. It is buried village Alekseyevka, area Arkadak, the Saratov area.
BUDARINA Anna Vasilyevna () The birthplace: village Alekseyevka, area Arkadak, the Saratov area.
Residence: city of Arkadak of the Saratov area,
the basic employment: the pensioner.
: Was born.
Has married. The husband: Bykov Ivan Ivanovich (27.03.1926 - 22.02.1988).
Life expectancy: 61. A place: city of Arkadak, the Saratov area.
BUDARIN Nikolay Vasilyevich () The birthplace: village Alekseyevka, area Arkadak, the Saratov area.
Residence: Saratov.
: Was born.
Married. The wife: (Budarina) Nina Efimovna.
: Has died. A place: Saratov.
BUDARINA Serafima Vasilyevna (17.11.1935 - 02.04.1996) Life expectancy: 60.
The birthplace: village Alekseyevka, area Arkadak, the Saratov area.
17.11.1935: Was born.
Has married. The husband: Karpunin Alexander Mihaylovich (10.11.1935 - 01.09.1991).
Life expectancy: 55. A place: city of Arkadak, the Saratov area.
02.04.1996: Has died. A place: city of Arkadak, the Saratov area.
Generation 4
BUDARIN Aleksandr Andreevich (08.09.1950) The birthplace: village Kozlovka, area Arkadak, the Saratov area.
Residence: Saratov, the basic employment: the broad specialist.
08.09.1950: Was born.
1974: Married. The wife: Zagudalina Lyudmila Aleksandrovna (25.07.1952)
Birthplace: village Lelyaevka, the Saratov area.
The basic employment: the manager
24.04.1975: Andrey (16-11) Was born
03.07.1977: Was born (17-11) Elena
BUDARINA Tatyana Andreevna (14.02.1954) The birthplace: village Kozlovka, area Arkadak, the Saratov area.
Residence: Saratov, the basic employment: the manager.
14.02.1954: Was born.
1975: Has married. The husband: Zagudalin Alexander Aleksandrovich (17.11.1953)
Birthplace: village Lelyaevka, the Saratov area.
The basic employment: the broad specialist.
25.12.1976: Was born Natalie
11.06.1986: Sergey Was born
BUDARIN Sergeу Andreevich (01.01.1961) The birthplace: village Kozlovka, area Arkadak, the Saratov area.
Residence: city of Arkadak of the Saratov area,
the basic employment: the businessman.
01.01.1961: Was born
1987: Married. The wife: Maslov Oktyabrina Dmitrievna (07.11.1967).
The birthplace: Magadan. The basic employment: the tutor of children.
19.01.1989: Was born (18-13) Vera
03.05.2001: Was born (19-13) Margarita
BUDARINA Nina Andreevna (01.07.1964) The birthplace: village Kozlovka, area Arkadaksky, the Saratov area.
Residence: village Alekseyevka, area Arkadak, the Saratov area.
The basic employment: the social worker.
01.07.1964: Was born.
1983: Has married. The husband: Dedov Vladimir Grigoryevich (16.01.1960).
The birthplace: village Alekseyevka, area Arkadak, the Saratov area.
The basic employment: the driver.
16.07.1984: Alexey Was born
01.12.1987: Was born Elena
BUDARINA Elena Andreevna (03.04.1968) The birthplace: village Kozlovka, area Arkadak, the Saratov area.
Residence: Chelyabinsk, the basic employment: the stomatologist.
Has ended the Saratov medical school in 1988, on a speciality the dentist.
03.04.1968: Was born.
26.10.1991: Has married. The husband:
Pashkin Andrey Aleksandrovich (24.10.1967).
Has ended Sverdlovsk military school him L.I. Brezhneva in 1988.
Passed military service on the Far East, Kuriles, Ural.
Now: the chief of point of a set on military service under the
contract of a military commissariat of the Chelyabinsk area,
the lieutenant colonel.
07.04.1993: Was born Maria
04.03.2005: Was born Anastasia
Generation 5
BUDARIN Andrey Aleksandrovich (24.04.1975) Residence: Saratov. The basic employment: the businessman.
24.04.1975: Was born
2004: Married. The wife: Vasilyeva Elena Vladimirovna (16.06.1980).
23.03.2006: Was born Arina (20-16)
BUDARINA Elena Aleksandrovna (03.07.1977) Residence: Saratov. The basic employment: the housewife.
03.07.1977: Was born.
2001: Has marriage. The husband: Ivanov Feodor Vladimirovich (05.02.1976)
09.05.2002: Was born Maria
BUDARINA Vera Sergeevna (19.01.1989) Residence: city of Arkadak, the Saratov area.
The basic employment: the student.
19.01.1989: Was born.
BUDARINA Margarita Sergeevna (03.05.2001) Residence: city of Arkadak, the Saratov area.
The basic employment: no.
03.05.2001: Was born.
Generation 6
BUDARINA Arina Andreevna (23.03.2006) Residence: Saratov. The basic employment: no.
23.03.2006: Was born.
Date of construction of the report: 31.08.2006