The variations of the same surname OTREBSKI,OTREMBSKI,ASTRAMSKAS,YASTREMSKY(Lith.JASTRAMSKAS),YASTRJEMBSKY(Lith.JASTRZEMBSKI),etc.originated about 300 years ago from the name of Polish village OTREBA in Prussia. There are 7 JASTRAMSKAS and 3 JASTRZEMBSKI in our relative JAN OTREBSKI-OTREMBSKI was researching origin of Lith.language. My granduncle PIJUS ASTRAMSKAS mentioned one our relative JASTRZEMBSKI who was a famous leader of Russian socialists-utopists.He also mentioned one our ancestor who in some way has become a noble.My another granduncle VINCAS lived under the surname JASTRZEMBSKIS.My greatgrandfather also was VINCAS. I made up a gen.table only of ASTRAMSKAS-ASTROMSKAS' branch. My dear relatives,please,start intensive making of your family tree. My email:
Фамилия Адылгужин (Адылов)
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Сообщение отправлено: 1 октября 2006 19:52 (
Сообщение отредактировано: 1 октября 2006 19:56 |